Helpful Hummus Nutrition Facts
Helpful Hummus Nutrition Facts

25 Amazing Hummus Nutrition Facts

Karin Lehnardt
By Karin Lehnardt, Senior Writer
Published July 18, 2019Updated February 22, 2025
  • The word "hummus" is from the Turkish word humus, meaning "mashed chick peas."[6]
  • While hummus has about 5 times more calories than salsa, it has almost twice the amount of fiber.[3]
  • Although hummus doesn't have as much healthy monounsaturated fat as guacamole, it does have approximately 2.4 grams more protein.[3]
  • Chickpeas, a major ingredient in hummus, have a higher nutritional profile than other beans, including black beans.[3]
  • Chickpeas, one of the main ingredients of hummus, are full of important nutrients, such as Vitamin B, calcium, potassium, phosphate, zinc, magnesium, iron, and folic acid.[3]
  • Hummus Nutrition Benefits
    Hummus is a superfood
  • Studies show that those who eat hummus tend to weigh less and have better regulated blood sugar than those who don't. Hummus eaters also have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.[3]
  • Some brands of store-bought hummus may contain higher levels of sodium than others.[3]
  • Traditional hummus is made with a range of healthy ingredients, including chickpeas, olive oil, tahini, lemon juice, and garlic.[4]
  • A serving size of hummus is approximately 1-2 tablespoons.[9]
  • All the fat in traditional hummus is healthy, so there is no need to buy low-fat options as long as you stay within normal portion sizes.[9]
  • When shopping for hummus, check the ingredients. Some brands replace olive oil with other types of oil (e.g. sunflower or rapeseed oil) to reduce costs. This replaces healthy fats with unhealthy fats.[9]
  • The way of serving hummus throughout most of the Middle East is in a red clay plate with a raised edge.[8]
  • The word "hummus" can be spelled in various ways. For example, in British English it can be spelled "houmous." Less frequently, the word has also been spelled humus, hommos, and hommus.[5]
  • The question of who invented hummus is a hotly debated topic that is embedded in nationalism and cultural identity. For example, Lebanon and Israel began the now legendary "Hummus Wars" in 2008.[8]
  • Lebanon holds the Guinness world record for the largest plate of hummus, weighing 10,452 kg (23,042 lbs.).[8]
  • Hummus Guinness World Record
    The world's largest bowl of hummus

  • The earliest written recipes for hummus have been found in 13th-century cookbooks from Cairo.[7]
  • Hummus contains around 15 grams of fiber per cup.[7]
  • The chickpeas in hummus contain folate and fiber, which help reduce cancer risks.[1]
  • One cup of hummus has around 400 calories.[1]
  • Hummus is not only healthy, it is also an aphrodisiac. Chickpeas are a rich source of arginine, an amino acid that increases internal lubrication and blood circulation.[2]
  • Healthy Hummus Facts
    Hummus comes in a variety of flavors
  • Hummus comes in many flavors, such as sweet potato, avocado, jalapeño, green chili, and thai coconut curry.[7]
  • A couple in Canada found an industrial-sized dumpster filled with hundreds of tubs of hummus that had not expired. They rescued the humus and lived on it for eight weeks.[2]
  • Hummus is high in iron, which can help boost energy and stamina.[2]
  • Hummus is filled with protein, which helps fight food cravings and balances sugar levels.[2]
  • Dizengoff restaurant in Philadelphia serves only hummus.[2]

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