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3 Carroll, Linda. “Organic Food No Better than Conventional for Kids Pediatricians Say.” NBC News. October 22, 2012. Accessed: October 3, 2013.
4 Eklund, Rachel, and Jenny Wan-chen Lee. “Organic Labels Bias Consumers Perceptions through the ‘Health Halo Effect.’” Cornell University. Update October 14, 2013. Accessed: October 14, 2013.
5 Enos, Deborah. “The Facts about Organic Foods.” Live Science. September 19, 2012. Accessed: October 3, 2013.
6 “Fast Facts.” Whole Foods Market. 2013. Accessed: October 14, 2013.
7 Gillman, Jeff. The Truth About Organic Gardening: Benefits, Drawbacks, and the Bottom Line. Portland, OR: Timber Press, 2008.
8 Givens, D.I. Health Benefits of Organic Food: Effects on the Environment. CABI, 2008.
9 Johnston, Rob. “The Great Organic Myths: Why Organic Foods Are an Indulgence the World Can’t Afford.” The Independent. May 2008. Accessed: October 14, 2013.
10 Kahn, Mike. “Food Labeling: How To Identify Convention, Organic, and GMO Produce.” KQED. November 20, 2012. Accessed: October 14, 2013.
11 “Organic? Don’t Panic.” The Economist. December 11, 2003. Accessed: October 14, 2013.
12 Wilcox, Christie. “Mythbusting 101: Organic Farming > Conventional Farming.” Scientific America. July 18, 2011. Accessed: October 5, 2013.