1 Baldizzone, Tiziana and Gianna Baldizzone. Wedding Ceremonies: Ethnic Symbols, Costume, and Rituals. France: Flammarion, 2001.
2 Bermann, Jillian. “70% Say Brides Should Take Husband’s Name.” USA TODAY. August 11, 2009. Accessed: November 29, 2009.
3 Bride’s Book of Etiquette. New York, NY: Perigee Books, 2002.
4 de Lys, Claudia. How the World Weds. New York, NY: The Martin Press, 1929.
5 Geller, Jaclyn. Here Comes the Bride: Women, Weddings, and the Marriage Mystique. New York, NY: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2001.
6 k Weiss, Mindy and Lisbeth Levine.The Wedding Book: The Big Book for Your Big Day. New York, NY: Workman Publishing, 2008.
7 Lee, Vera. Something Old, Something New: What You Didn’t Know about Wedding Ceremonies, Celebrations, and Customs. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, Inc, 1994.
8 “Matrimony.” Online Etymological Dictionary. Accessed: November 30, 2009.
9 Post, Peggy. Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers Inc, 2006.
10 Stewart, Arlene Hamilton. A Bride’s Book of Wedding Traditions. New York, NY: William Morrow and Co, 1995.
11 “Wed.” Online Etymological Dictionary. Accessed: December 23, 2009.