Goat Facts
Goat Facts

36 Glorious Goat Facts

James Israelsen
By James Israelsen, Associate Writer
Published July 27, 2023
  • Goats are useful farm animals because they produce milk, meat, fabric fiber, and fertilizer. They also help with land-clearing, and their dried dung can be a source of fuel.[2][8]
  • Pygmy goats are small enough that they can live in a doghouse.[1]
  • Male goats are called bucks or billies and females are called does or nannies.[9]
  • As part of their annual efforts to stop wildfires, the state of California hires companies that offer goat-grazing services to herd hundreds of goats through mountainous areas so that the goats consume the weeds and bushes that would otherwise become dry fuel in the summer.[6]
  • One advantage of raising a miniature goat is that they don't require very much space due to their smaller size, but they still produce up to 3 quarts of milk a day.[1]
  • Goat hair is used to produce mohair, cashmere, and cashgora fibers.[1]
  • Although domestic goats are tamed animals, goats don't usually thrive as mere pets.[4][5]
  • Goats are so well-known for liking to drink coffee that an Ethiopian legend credits a herd of goats with the discovery of the coffee plant.[8]
  • A "wether" is a castrated male goat.[5]
  • Due to their surprising ability to shepherd larger animals like horses and cattle, miniature goats are often used as herd companions.[1]
  • There are over 200 different breeds of domestic goats.[4]
  • Goats are herd animals, meaning they prefer to live in groups with other goats.[4]
  • Goat kids
    Like all kids, they love to run and play
  • A "kid" is a young goat of either sex.[9]
  • Goats that don't have a herd of their own are sometimes found living in herds of other hoofed animals, such as horses or cows.[4]
  • In some cultures, both past and present, goat hides were used to make bags, writing parchment, and drums.[8]
  • All female goats can produce milk for their offspring, but only some make enough to be milked as dairy goats.[2]
  • Half of all goat meat consumed in the United States is imported, much of it from Australia.[4]
  • Goat meat usually comes from goats under one year old, as the meat from older goats is too tough.[9]
  • Contrary to popular depictions, goats do not eat tin cans. This myth probably came about because goats will eat the paper covering on tin cans.[3]
  • Male goats purposely urinate all over their faces, front legs, and beards, in order to attract a mate.[3]
  • Although goats will eat weeds, they will not eat the grass that grows on a typical lawn.[2]
  • Goats love to eat the leaves, branches, and bark of trees, particularly ones high in vitamin C.[3]
  • The world's first livestock registry was created in Switzerland in the 1600s, for goats.[3]
  • Elizabethan explorer Captain James Hook dropped goats off on the coasts of South Pacific islands for the purpose of having them there for food in case of shipwreck.[3]
  • There are roughly 1 billion goats in the world.[4]
  • Mountain goats climbing
    Mountain goats are among the best mountaineers in the world

  • China produces more goat milk than any other nation.[3]
  • The Tennessee fainting goat is a breed that carries a disorder that causes its muscles to remain rigidly locked after being frightened, forcing the goat to fall over until the muscles relax.[7]
  • The bleats of some goats sound like human screams.[7]
  • After a woman in Oregon invented "goat yoga" classes, which take place on her farm in the company of goats, it became so popular she had over 1200 students sign up.[10]
  • Goats are popular choices for raising livestock in undeveloped countries because their bodies are very efficient at converting the plants they eat into protein-rich meat.[3]
  • Male goats often smell bad, leaving an unpleasant odor on their handlers. Washing with goat milk can help fight the smell.[2]
  • Goats have four stomachs, just like cows do.[8]
  • LaMancha goats have very stubby ears, making them able to dominate herds of other breeds; goats establish pecking order by nipping at each other's ears.[3]
  • Goats have horizontal pupils, which allow them to keep both their pursuing predators and their escape routes in their field of vision at all times.[3]
  • When they were first introduced to New Zealand in the 1990s, a single Boer meat goat sold for as much as $70,000.[3]
  • Goat's milk is sometimes used in soap making because its fats moisturize human skin.[2][9]
  • Fun Goat Facts INFOGRAPHIC
    Goat Infographic Thumbnail

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