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5 “Electricity and the Housewife.” IEEE Global History Network. 2013. Accessed: October 12, 2014.
6 Grose, Jessica. “Why Do We Call Them ‘Stay-at-Home Moms’? There Must Be a Better Term.” Slate. March 26, 2013. Accessed: October 22, 2014.
7 Hayes, Shannon. Radical Homemakers: Reclaiming Domesticity from a Consumer Culture. White River Jct., VT:Chelsea Green Publishing, 2010.
8 “Housewife.” Online Etymology Dictionary. 2014. Accessed: October 22, 2014.
9 Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen, PhD. “Hearth and Home: The Fascinating History of Women’s Domestic Work in America.” Safe Motherhood. 2010. Accessed: October 22, 2014.
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11 Mann, Jessica. “What Do You Mean, the Good Old Days?” The Guardian. April 27, 2012. Accessed: October 22, 2014.
12 Matthews, Glenna. Just a Housewife: The Rise and Fall of Domesticity in America. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1989.
13 Peppers, Margot. “What is a Stay-at-Home Mom’s Salary Worth?” Daily Mail. January 23, 2014. Accessed: January 17, 2015.
14 Persaud, Raj. “Housewives Make Their Men Healthy and Wealthy.” The Telegraph . June 30, 2005. Accessed: October 22, 2014.
15 Tartakovsky, Margartia, M.S. “A Glimpse into Marriage Advice from the 1950s.” Psych Central. February 27, 2012. Accessed: October 26, 2014.
16 “The 12 Most Stylish TV Housewives of All Time.” InStyle. 2014. Accessed: October 22, 2014.
17 “The Return of the Stay-At-Home Mother.” The Economist. April 19, 2014. Accessed: October 22, 2014.
18 Waterlow, Lucy. “Did the Feminists Burn Their Bras for Nothing? Majority of British Women Would Pick Being a Housewife Over Having a Career.” Mail Online. Updated May 15, 2013. Accessed: October 22, 2014.