1 Blue, Adrianne. On Kissing: From the Metaphysical to the Erotic. London, UK: Wellington House, 1996.
2 Cahlan, Susannah. "Oime, Basorexia and 25 Other Words to describe your Weirdest Emotions." New York Post. June 11, 2016. Accessed: December 13, 2017.
3 "Can You Get an STI from Kissing?" ClevelandClinic. July 19, 2024. Accessed: January 8, 2024.
4 Case, William. The Art of Kissing. 2nd ed. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Griffin, 1995.
5 Durrant, Jonathan. "The Osculum Infame: Heresy, Secular Culture, and the Image of the Witches’ Sabbath.” The Kiss in History. Karen Harvey, ed. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2005.
6 Gooley, Ruth A. The Metaphor of the Kiss in Renaissance Poetry. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2003.
7 "Kiss." Online Etymological Dictionary. Accessed: January 14, 2009.
8 Michaels, Beth. "July 16, 1439: Kissing Banned in England!" History and Headlines. July 2016. Accessed: June 24, 2017.
9 Nyrop, Christopher. The Kiss and Its History. Trans. William Frederick Harvey. London, UK: Sands & Co, 1901.
10 Penn, Michael Philip. Kissing Christians: Ritual and Community in the Late Ancient Church. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005.
11 Perella, Nicolas James. The Kiss Sacred and Profane: An Interpretive History of Kiss Symbolism and Related Religio-Erotic Themes. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1969.
12 Thompson, Paul. "Blarney Stone 'Most Unhygienic Tourist Attraction in the World." Daily Mail. June 16, 2009. Accessed: June 24, 2017.
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