1 Burgan, Michael. Empire of Ancient Rome. New York, NY: Facts on File Books, 2005.
2 Casson, Lionel. Everyday in Ancient Rome. Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press, 1998.
3 Constable, Nick. Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome. New York, NY: Thalamus Publishing, 2003.
4 Cowell, F. R. Life in Ancient Rome. New York, NY: The Berkeley Publishing Group, 1976.
5 Hillers, Delbert. “Revelation 13, 18 and a scroll from Marabba’at.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 170 (1963) 65.
6 Kerrigan, Michael. Ancient Rome and the Roman Empire. London, UK: BBC WorldWide Ltd., 2001.
7 Mann, Elizabeth. The Roman Colosseum: The Story of the World’s Most Famous Stadium and Its Deadly Games. New York, NY: Mikaya Press, 1998.
8 Nardo, Don. Women of Ancient Rome. Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent Books, 2003.
9 The Sydney Morning Herald. “Rome—Places to See.” November 28, 2008. Accessed: February 10, 2009.
10 Wolf, Greg, ed. Cambridge Illustrated History: Roman World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.