1 Ackroyd, Peter. Ancient Greece: Voyages through Time. New York, NY: DK Publishing, Inc., 2005.
2 Botham, Noel. Book of Useless Information. New York, New York: Penguin Random House LLC, 2006.
3 Dubois, Jill et. al. Cultures of the World: Greece. New York, NY: Benchmark Books, 2003.
4 “Greece: The World Factbook.” CIA. Accessed: March 27, 2010.
5 Heinrichs, Ann. Greece: Enchantment of the World. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc., 2002.
6 Kilzer, Nicholas et. al., eds. Ancient Greece. Chicago, IL: World Books, Inc., 2009.
7 Pearson, Anne. Ancient Greece. New York, NY: DK Publishing, Inc., 2007.
8 “Q&A: Greece’s Financial Crisis Explained.” CNN. March 26, 2010. Accessed: March 30, 2010.
9 “The Greek Cheese Page.” HELLAS. Accessed: March 30, 2010.
10 “World Divorce Statistics.” Divorce Magazine. Accessed: March 30, 2010.