1 Foster, Sofie, and Sione Latukefu. "Tonga." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Updated Oct 21, 2022. Accessed: July 1, 2022.
2 McCoy, Mary M., and Siotame Drew Havea. Making Sense of Tonga: A Visitor's Guide to the Kingdom's Rich Polynesian Culture. Nuku'alofa, Tonga: Training Group of the Pacific, 2006.
3 O'Callaghan, Jonathan. "Burst of Underwater Explosions Powered Tonga Volcano Eruption. Nature, June 8, 2022. Accessed: July 2, 2022.
4 "Tonga Facts and Culture." Country Reports. Accessed: July 2, 2022.
5 Warner, Peter Raymond. Ocean of Light: 30 Years in Tonga and the Pacific. Redland Bay, QLD: Connor Court Publishing Pty Ltd, 2020.