Vegan Facts
Vegan Facts

26 Interesting Vegan Facts

James Israelsen
By James Israelsen, Associate Writer
Published January 12, 2020
  • Veganism was officially created in 1944, when a group of vegetarians left the Leicester Vegetarian Society and created their own group, the Vegan Society.[7]
  • The name “vegan” came from selecting the first and last letters of “vegetarian.”[7]
  • In addition to not eating meat, vegans also refrain from eating dairy products, eggs, and anything else that originally comes from animals.[7]
  • Famous vegans include Benedict Cumberbatch, Zac Efron, Beyoncé, Bill Clinton, Natalie Portman, Madonna, James Cameron, Joaquin Phoenix, and Michelle Pfieffer.[2]
  • Veganism is not only about not eating animal products; vegans also choose not to use clothing or any other products that originate from animals.[7]
  • A vegan diet may contribute to a reduced risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.[7]
  • Some people choose a vegan diet in order to lose weight.[7]
  • There are various types of vegans, including dietary vegans, whole-food vegans, raw-food vegans, and even junk-food vegans, who rely on processed food for their vegan diet.[7]
  • Vegan Animal Cruelty
    Many vegans view their diet choice as a moral imperative
  • Most vegans choose to become so in order to support animal rights, protect the environment, or benefit from the diet's positive health effects.[7]
  • In 2004, the parents of a six-week-old child were convicted of felony murder for not feeding their baby enough to keep him alive. The parents claimed they had adhered to a vegan diet. As a result, many people object to forcing children to keep a vegan diet.[3]
  • Although many famous vegans cite weight loss as one advantage of veganism, many vegans also experience weight gain; the real determining factor of whether a vegan diet causes loss or gain depends on what foods are used to supplement animal products.[3]
  • The original creators of the vegan diet, the Vegan Society, define veganism as seeking to end “the use of animals by man for food, commodities, work, hunting, vivisection, and by all other uses involving exploitation of animal life by man.”[8]
  • Foods that vegans avoid because they involve some form of an animal product include honey, marshmallows, breakfast cereals, gummy candies, chewing gum, and some types of beer and wine.[7]
  • Vegans may replace meat with tofu, beans, lentils, wheat gluten, nuts, or seeds.[7]
  • Vegan Protein
    There are many sources of protein besides meat

  • Around 2.5 million Americans aged 55 or older are now practicing vegans.[5]
  • Vegan diets lack certain nutrients, such as protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin B12, and practicing vegans generally need to find other ways, such as taking supplements, to make up for these lost nutrients.[5]
  • “Climate veganism” is an approach to veganism that takes into consideration the negative effect that animal agriculture has on global climate change.[6]
  • Veganism is considered an “extreme diet” because of how many different foods it prohibits and the high potential for nutritional deficiencies.[4]
  • Veganism can be dangerous because many vegans consume large amounts of processed foods to make up for the foods they aren’t eating.[4]
  • Veganism dangers
    The diet is not without its risks
  • Vegans might be at greater risk for depression because their diet lacks food sources of omega fatty acids.[4]
  • Although a vegan diet may prevent certain diseases, research still needs to be done to see whether the long-term effects of such a diet are favorable.[1]
  • Anemia can result from a vegan diet, as iron deficiency can be a result of cutting out meat products.[3]
  • Parents who are raising children on a vegan diet must be extremely careful to avoid the downsides of such a diet, for the lack of several nutrients can create irreversible health problems in children.[3]
  • Some vegans also give their pets a vegan diet; they feel it is hypocritical to provide animal products for other animals while avoiding them themselves. However, because most animals require the nutrients provided in animal products, vegan groups are largely tentative about supporting vegan diets for pets.[3]
  • Veganism can be unpopular due to the air of self-righteousness early vegans promoted.[3]
  • A study in 2007 found that of articles published on veganism, 5.5% were positive, 20.2% were neutral, and 74.3% were negative in their review of the diet.[9]

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